Assignment 1

Assignment #1

As we have explored through our readings and our class discussions, the very question “what is language?”, has been answered in a number of different ways at different points in the history of anthropology. The particular criteria used to define “language” at any given point of time has had significant effects on the kinds of questions, issues, and processes that anthropologists have been able to investigate.

Write a short essay on the different ways in which the concept of “language” has been defined by anthropologists working within different paradigms. Further, explain how each approach has led scholars to focus on a distinct set of social, cultural, and psychological problems.

Submission Deadline: Tuesday, Midnight, September 27th

Word Limit: 750-1000 words


  1. Submit your assignments as a Microsoft Word file on Blackboard
  2. Make sure your Name is in the title of your file
  3. Make sure it is double-spaced and in 12 pt. font.